I started to write the first Sophie Allen novel almost fifteen years ago. It had an unusual catalyst: the BBC true-crime drama Five Daughters, the emotional story of the murders of five women in Ipswich. I was struck by many aspects of that horrific story, but what impressed me most was the portrayal of the real-life detective team. They were so quietly dedicated and professional. I decided that kind of unit would be my inspiration.

I also wanted to break some of the cliched norms of crime fiction that were prevalent at the time. White, male senior detective with female underlings; maverick cop with a drink problem (always wine or spirits); shouty bosses demanding results the day after tomorrow; immoral and corrupt team members; cops jumping into bed with their fellows (always heterosexually, of course). I wanted a unit in which the members supported each other.

So, I thought up Sophie Allen. A little mixed up, poor background but very clever, happily married (to a maths teacher), teenage family, very supportive of her team, enjoys drinking beer. And her sidekick, Barry Marsh, from a local farming background.

The novels are based in Dorset for some very simple reasons. I spend a large proportion of my time there; it has some great locations; and I love it!

I try very hard to include totally original plotlines for each book to maintain readers’ interest. I think I’ve succeeded in doing so.

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