This week we're delighted to be sharing more about our wonderful romance authors from the Choc Lit list. We caught up with Ellie Henderson as we released her brand-new novel A Summer Wedding on Arran read below to discover more about the characters and her inspiration for writing.

What's the inspiration for this book?

The isle of Arran is one of my favourite places in the world and I try to go as often as I can! However during lockdown I couldn't get there and really missed it. I decided to be creative and write a book set on Arran which helped a bit! I wanted to write something completely different to what I normally write about and the book just kind of happened.

Tell us about your characters?

I am always really interested in people's stories and their different perspectives on life so I have always got loads of different characters in my head for potential books. I enjoy reading about strong and relatable female characters and the relationships between sisters. I wanted Kirsty, Amy and Emma to have completely contrasting and independent lives which were also supported by the bond of their relationships with each other. I also wanted to touch on real life emotions and challenges that people face every day. I always hope that the characters' lives will resonate with readers.

Tell us about the setting?

Anyone who knows me will know that Arran is one of my favourite places. It's magical and as soon as I step off the ferry — regardless of cancellations or delays which can be common — I immediately relax and feel at home. Arran is an island off the west coast of Scotland and the journey time from Ardrossan Harbour is around 50 minutes. It is only about 20 miles long and 10 miles wide but is often described as Scotland in miniature because it has a bit of everything — mountains, beaches, forests, standing stones, a castle, history, amazing wildlife not to mention lovely cafes and restaurants and friendly people. This book is set in the main village of Brodick.

How do you want readers to feel after they've read your book?

I hope readers will find a bit of escapism in this book and feel uplifted and keen to visit Arran! I also hope they will want to read more as I have written a Christmas book set on Arran and have a third book underway.

What's your favourite thing about this book?

I loved the process of writing this book and working with the Choc Lit and Joffe team and am feeling very grateful that it's being published. I also love the cover! It's tricky to find just one favourite thing . . . however if pressed, then perhaps it is the location. When I started writing the book it was very much my way of creatively coping during lockdown. I just hope readers may get a sense of what a magical place Arran is.

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