
We’re delighted to announce a number of our wonderful authors have been chosen by the TCKPRCA committee to feature in the Reader’s Choice Awards line-up!

Featuring this year is:

  • Love Byte by David Atkinson

  • The Smart Woman’s Guide to Murder by Victoria Dowd

  • When He Vanished by T.J. Brearton

  • Murder the Boys by Judith Cutler

  • Witch Fire on the Levels by David Hodges

  • Crime in the Gallery by Catherine Moloney

  • Crime in the College by Catherine Moloney

  • Murder Among Friends by Janice Frost

  • Before He Kills Again by Margaret Murphy

  • Don’t Scream by Margaret Murphy

  • Hidden in the Heart by Beth Andrews

Congratulations to David, Victoria, T.J., Judith, David, Catherine, Janice, Margaret and Beth!

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the award, TCK Publishing Reader's Choice Awards believe readers deserve to have a choice in the outcome of the awards. This belief has helped structure their casting, voting and award process and is central to everything they do. Once an author's submission has been approved by the TCKPRCA committee, it will appear on the Readers Choice Voting Page.

Over to you, our lovely readers! It’s up to you to decide a winner in each category. To cast your vote, please visit: and read the guidelines below:

How to vote:

  • You may have to disable pop-up blockers to vote depending on your web browser. The pop-up notification when you vote is necessary so that bots and spammers cannot vote.

  • If you are clicking on a book to vote but nothing is happening, scroll down the page and click “Change Vote” (it’s right above the “Share on Facebook” button).

  • You can vote one time for ONLY ONE BOOK per category.

  • Just click the arrows on the left and right side of the voting form to navigate between categories.

  • Click on the BOOK TITLE of your favourite book to cast your vote and then you’re set to view your results.

  • To change your vote, just click on the “CHANGE VOTE” option on the lower left corner of the voting form (just above the Facebook sharing option) and then click on the title of the book you want to vote for instead.

  • Only one vote per IP address will be accepted. Offices and schools usually only have one IP address, so it would be best to vote from home to avoid losing votes.

  • The awards committee will check the legitimacy of each vote before announcing the winners.

Good luck to our authors, and a big thank you to our readers for participating!

Nina Taylor