The wonderful team at Culturefly – a collaborative website written by a group of not-so-average Joes and Janes for those who love all things creative and cultural – have posted a piece by our very own Joy Ellis on the Fenland location of her books.

For those of you who are yet to discover Joy Ellis and her DI Nikki Galena series, this feature provides some interesting context to the creation and inspiration behind the series and Joy’s main character: the Fenlands themselves! “I think it all came together one evening when we were walking our first two English Springer Spaniels, Max and Rowan, out from the village and onto the fen lanes. There was what could only be described as ‘a moment’, when the atmosphere of the location just stopped me in my tracks and filled me with wonder . . . Beautiful as it was, it held a kind of menace, and that was the pivotal moment when I realised that the main character in my new novel was going to be the Fenland itself.”

You can read the full article here:

Joy Ellis is one of six authors on the British Book of the Year’s Crime & Thriller shortlist, with the award winner announced on Thursday 13 May, 2021. Good luck to everyone involved in tonight’s award ceremony!

Nina Taylor