Did you always want to be an author?
Yes and no . . . I’ve always been a voracious reader, but I never thought I’d commit to writing a book, although I admired those who did. It took years for me to finally gain the confidence to refer to myself as an ‘author,’ even after I was published. Authors often experience imposter syndrome and I still have to pinch myself occasionally and convince myself that I’m deserving of success.

How did you get into writing?
I’ve always experimented with writing, even as a child. In my younger days, I worked as a local news reporter and copywriter, but after studying for a writing diploma in London, I began my career as a scriptwriter. However, I quickly realised that city life wasn’t for me. The thought of pitching my ideas to film directors terrified me, so I withdrew to the countryside, where I am most at ease, and adapted my screenplays into novels.

What has been a career highlight?
For me, every single accomplishment has been a highlight and that continues to be the case. I don’t take anything for granted. From having a book accepted by a publisher for the first time, to receiving the actual paperbacks and reading reader reviews, I feel incredibly lucky and grateful to be where I am right now. But watch this space; I have plenty more stories to tell.

Who is a favourite character from one of your books?
The strong, independent women who feature regularly in my stories are my favourite characters because they are so inspiring, but I also enjoy writing about unreliable narrators, and the villains are usually entertaining! I like to see a greater range of ages represented in the psychological thriller genre, which is why I have introduced more mature characters like Bethan in The Son-in-Law and Linda in Her Second Husband. I especially enjoyed writing about best friends Maddie and Zoe in The Godmother, my latest novel, out on 19 March. One of my all-time favourite scenes in the book is when Zoe opens her door late at night and wishes she hadn’t . . . What happens next ruins everything. I had chills while I was writing it.


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